
Retos en el 2011 en Cadena de Suministro

Hola a todos: Les mando una liga con mucho gusto, de una empresa de consultoría en donde expresa los retos más importantes en el 2011 en cuánto a #cadenadesuministro y #logística se refiere. La razón de compartirselos es porque coincido al 100% en lo que ellos evalúan. Aprovechando la ocasión, les comento que en Seeds […]

From the Farm to the Table #SupplyChain

Dear all: I am very happy to share with all, that seeds linking group, (www.seedslg.com, our company) was chosen by the ITC (WTO / UN agency) to start a project in Jamaica, that involves the production of vegetables, fruits, that the country of Jamaica is producing. The challenge comes here:  The Jamaican buyers (consumers/companies) are […]

#Logistics Infrastructure

I am happy to share with everybody that I will be @ Kansas City Missouri, giving a speech regarding the creation of a unified Logistics Infrastructure in Mexico and how it will make a match with the US & Canadian logistics infrastructure. There are a lot of different products in high demand between NAFTA such […]

#ComercioInternacional en Agricultura…que dice la OMC?

Hola a todos, en esta oación estaré hablando del status que guarda el tema de las negociaciones comerciales en el tema de agricultura con la OMC: La fuente de este texto es del Centro Internacional de Comercio y Desarrollo Sostenible, basado en Ginebra Suiza. Espero que disfruten mucho la información de cómo va el tema […]

Plataforma Logística de México

Estimados amigos…me da mucho gusto estar de nuevo por acá y más para compartirles que estaremos participando en las juntas del BID (Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo) con la SCT (Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes) y con la SE ( Secretaría de Economía) para la creación de la plataforma logística de México (a nivel país). Lo […]

India Food Parks

              Today I want to share with you this interesting article about waht is India doing to cope with the increasisng need to have better supply chains in the food sector: Hope you enjoy it and remain in touch! Saul Romero Blake India to set up 15 mega food […]

Are we passengers or pilots of our dreams?

Today I want to share with you a great article on why we need to be the Pilots of our dreams vs. being just in the passenger seat waiting for someone to help us or drive us to our destination (dream) Hope you enjoy this as much as I did! Thank you to John C […]

7 Tips to Move Products by Rail:

Hello all: This time I would like to talk to you about reducing carbon footprint while saving in the long-haul of movement of goods, thus creating sustainable supplychains: The only realibale mode of transportation when moving freight on a long distance basis (more the 500 miles) is rail…here are 7 tips to decide whether or […]

Are the truckers using highways?

Hi everyone…I want to share this video that shows that trucking companies have been for many years using rail services to generate savings in their fixed costs and reducing carbon footprint emmissions. Are they sharing the cut-costs / savings with the shipper community? Have a great day?

Sustainable Transportation Corridors

Hello all: Today I would like to show a proof that the Puiblic Private Partnership between a Rail Company, Federal & State governmets really works toward making sustainable projects a reality… This project is aiming to connect the US East Coast with the consumption marktes in the US Mid-West states and cities. According to the […]

Global Export Model Contracts!!

I want to take this time to really THANK EVERY PERSON that stops by…read and give me some feedback about the content!! Thak you again!! Today I would like to talk about a great tool just published by our partners in Geneva that is helping SME’s, which in some cases account for more of the […]

#Sustainable last mile transportation

Hello everyone: Hope everybody is tuned with the latest technologies on what #sustainable means…specially in my arena which is #transportation #logistics & #supplychain. Let me share with you this story that is amazing and it is shocking at the same time…Last week I assited to a dinner that was about to show all the crowd […]
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