
#ComercioInternacional en Agricultura…que dice la OMC?

Hola a todos, en esta oación estaré hablando del status que guarda el tema de las negociaciones comerciales en el tema de agricultura con la OMC: La fuente de este texto es del Centro Internacional de Comercio y Desarrollo Sostenible, basado en Ginebra Suiza. Espero que disfruten mucho la información de cómo va el tema […]

#International Country Analysis tool

Hello everyone, welcome to this interesting post on how to explore new tools and ways of selling abroad. We (as a comany) made a partnership to promote the ITC (UN / WTO) organism to promote and make more professional the way developing countries do their export strategies. I encourage all of you, that take a […]

#China & #India Suppliers

Hello everyone! I want to share with you this great information, for those looking to develop suppliers and or find new products in Asia. As you may know, South East Asia is and will remian the world’s factory, so in my view, it is very important to know and develop a reliable partner in China […]

#Export Opportunity to Central America

Hi everyone…is there someone interested in #exporting beans seeds? Honduras just open the quantitative restrictions so that any country could export to them…We could let you know the ways you can do this… Thank you to all for letting us put the seeds in the #export #import opportunities that we will be discussing here… Have […]