#Sustainable last mile transportation

Hello everyone:
Hope everybody is tuned with the latest technologies on what #sustainable means…specially in my arena which is #transportation #logistics & #supplychain.
Let me share with you this story that is amazing and it is shocking at the same time…Last week I assited to a dinner that was about to show all the crowd how amazing the projects of mobility in the cities are about…there was also something very interesting because the venue was inside a great Mexico’s City’s museum, therefore there was this great art demonstration with pictures of real life mobility…
I will share with you a picture of what is the next generation of how cargo is moving (and in my view it will be the option in some busy cities) inside the cities in some of the busiest cities around the world…That is called last mile transportation….
The last mile transportation / distribution, is when the freight already moved thousands of miles / kilometers through a big mode of transportation e.g. railroad, just to hit the city and then (potentially) being transferred to another mode (equipment) that will make the final delivery…
Hope you enjoy it…
All the best, Saul Romero Blake