Rail Road Investments

I am happy to be back here…today I am going to talk about some Rail Infrastructure that is going to shape a different level of service at both the US and the NAFTA region…
The name of the project is Santa Teresa Rail Facility. It will be the first time that the State of New Mexico will have the opportunity to accomodate an inland port…
The facts are as follow:
-Completion: 2015
-Estimated Cost: $400 million
-Public Benefits:
+3,000 jobs created during construction
+600 permanent jobs created
+$500 million for economic development for the state
Here is the link where you can find these and some other facts about some other projects…I will be either way publishing them here. http://bit.ly/mPBMkl
Thank you for stopping by again…also thank you for your feedback and comments,
Saul Romero Blake!