
Harmonized Tariff System

Hello how are you today: I am really happy to see that the world is indeed becoming smaller in the reach of any company or individual trying to become a global business across borders. Last year I was in Zambia Africa, developing and helping to create export capacity of some of the products produced there […]

Logistics Performance Index 2012 #asklpi

Hello All: Today I want to announce that @ 10 a.m. EST (14:00 GMT) the 2012 version of the renowned Logistics Performance Index will be released. A live twitter chat will take place, featuring authors from the the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index Report, the hashtag will be #asklpi The Logistics Performance Index is a great […]

Transporte y Emisiones de Carbono

Hola a tod@s: Hoy les quiero compartir un tema muy importante en cuanto a la reducción de emisiones de gases invernadero y que está relacoinado con el tema de transporte Tanto Colombia como Costa Rica y algunos otros países están haciendo du tarea para minimizar el impacto de estas emisiones en sus sitemas de transporte […]

Logistics in the Caribbean

It was a great trip to Dominican Republic…great country! I want to thank you all the people that made it possible. The contribution that I want to make today is that there are some lessons learned during my trip.. 1-Always keep attention when dealing with a Net Importer Country, since there are certain rules on […]

5 Countries 1 Trading Block

Hello: Today I would like to share with you the great news for the Central American Countries that started to sign Free Trade Agreements as a Block. Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica just finished to integrate their countries and economies into one trading block called SICA or SIECA. Economical Integration System of Central […]

7 Billion People? What About the SupplyChains?

Hello!! Today I am sharing with you two great news in terms of creating sustainable supplychains ! Our company Seeds Linking Group was named part of the http://www.7billionactions.org/organizations, which is a UN initiative to eliminate povery and hunger in this new shaped world with 7 billion inhabitants. I want to sahre with you that we […]

Are You Busy but Not Accomplishing Anything?

This morning I want to share with you a great article from my friend Darren Hardy inside his Success Magazine. It is about productivity and some tips to get you back on track… As the quote from this article says: Don’t Confuse Motion With Action! Have Great Day! Saul Romero Blake… ————– Are You Busy […]

#Cursos de #Logistica y Comercio Internacional

Hola: Te invito a que seas parte de la comunidad que se está capacitando con nosotros en temas de #Transporte, #Logistica, #ComercioInternacional y #CadenadeSuministro Te comparto este video como ejemplo de los temas que tratamos! http://bit.ly/rmDF0S También te invito a que te registres en nuestra página de cursos, para que recibas información de fechas así […]

LTL #Transportation

Hi…today I would like to talk about #LTL #transportation… Do you know waht is LTL in first place? It means Less Than a Truck Load…in other words it is the way the transportation company will move the freight from point A to point B. There is a Commodity Classification Standards Board Density Guidelines: The way […]

Never Fly Solo!

I would like to share with you an excellent interview that my friend Bob Burg had with Rob «Waldo»Wandman. He is a motivational keynote speaker, leadership consultant, and former decorated fighter pilot who helps turn teams into trustworthy, accountable, and high performance partners for success. Thank you Bob for this great Interview… I hope you […]

#Transporte en #NAFTA

Hola como estás?? Este día te saludo con una noticia buena para México, ya que apartir de Agosto los Transportistas Mexicanos que deseen hacer uso del permiso para transportar bienes dentro de USA podrán empezar a registrar su empresa para hacerlo apartir de Julio del 2011. De cualquier manera el FFCC ya está integrado desde […]

Rail Road Investments

Hello: I am happy to be back here…today I am going to talk about some Rail Infrastructure that is going to shape a different level of service at both the US and the NAFTA region… The name of the project is Santa Teresa Rail Facility. It will be the first time that the State of […]
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